Parlaxy Community Guidelines

We ask all members of the Parlaxy community to adhere to the general rules of conduct within the service:

Be polite:

Please treat each other with respect. We do not support the use of profanity, aggression, or threats.

Be responsive:

We ask users to respond to received messages within 48 hours. We also recommend that travelers inform buyers of their arrival at the destination at least one day before the planned departure date.

Protect yourself from scammers:

For your safety, we offer two-step verification, secure payments, and round-the-clock customer support. Remember to keep correspondence in our chat and avoid suspicious deals outside the platform. Make sure you understand and are prepared to pay any necessary customs fees.

Add information about yourself:

We ask all users to complete their profile on Parlaxy, add information about themselves, and upload a photo. This will increase your trustworthiness and help you get more responses on the platform. However, your personal information, such as email or credit card number, will not be displayed in the public profile.

Show tolerance:

We are against any manifestations of aggression and intolerance within the community. We are also ready to take action if any user harms other participants. For example, by spreading spam or encouraging deals outside the service.