How to enable notifications on IOS

To enable notifications on iPhone/iPad, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your account on the Parlaxy website

Log inLog in

  1. Go to "My Profile" → "Personal Data"

My profileMy profile

Personal DataPersonal Data

  1. If you see the message "Push notifications are not supported on your device", you need to add a shortcut to your home screen. To do this:

Notifications are not supportedNotifications are not supported

  • Tap the "Share" button;

to shareto share

  • Select the option "Add to Home Screen";

Add to home screenAdd to home screen

If you don’t see this button, make sure you’ve opened the Parlaxy website in the Safari browser

  • Open the site using the shortcut and go back to "Personal Data"


  1. Enable the "Push notifications on this device" toggle


  1. Allow notifications when prompted by the browser

Allow NotificationsAllow Notifications

If notifications still don’t work, check the section What to Do if Notifications Don’t Work on iPhone/iPad?