List of prohibited items for listing on Parlaxy

Parlaxy customers should understand that Parlaxy cannot be used to obtain delivery of any item prohibited by international laws or laws of any local jurisdiction applicable to the traveler, goods, transit, or destination. The responsibility for posting such an order lies with the buyer.

Prohibited items include, but are not limited to:

  • Counterfeit goods
  • Currency
  • Stolen property
  • Firearms, ammunition, explosives, or chemicals
  • Human remains
  • Pornography or obscene materials
  • Illegal drugs or regulated drugs (prescription) in violation of the law
  • Any product or item associated with illegal activities, such as the production of illegal drugs
  • Any item prohibited by law in the place of origin, destination, or any transit jurisdiction between the place of origin and destination
  • Batteries
  • Aerosols or any flammable materials
  • Knives, batons, or other weapons
  • Certain agricultural products
  • Goods imported without a customs declaration, if it was required

Parlaxy strongly recommends that buyers and travelers consult with the relevant government agencies that regulate items that can or cannot be imported or exported from the country of origin to the country of delivery, as well as the type of packaging and delivery.