Trust and Safety on Parlaxy

We strive to create a global community of travelers and buyers based on safety and trust. We have highlighted several key principles that contribute to protecting the interests of buyers and travelers.

Verified Users

When registering on Parlaxy we ask you to verify your identity via email. This helps protect users from fraud and spam. We also want to ensure that you are a real person (we carefully check all travelers). Don't worry, we securely store personal data and never display it on the public profile.

Meetings in Public Places

For safety and convenience, we recommend that travelers and buyers agree in advance to meet in a public place. Many users meet in parks, nearby cafes, or the lobby of the hotel where the traveler is staying. Use the Parlaxy messenger to agree on a convenient time and place to meet.

User Ratings

We use a rating system that allows you to assess the reliability of the traveler in advance. Most users leave ratings and reviews after the delivery is complete. If you have difficulties with a user, please contact our support service.

Tolerant Behavior

We are against foul language, aggression, and threats. If you violate these rules, you will receive a warning. If you repeat the violation, we will block your account.

Payment Protection

Parlaxy uses a secure payment system and provides a 100% money-back guarantee. Your money is safe at every stage of the transaction.

  • Secure Transaction: When the buyer accepts the delivery offer and pays for the order, the payment amount is frozen in their account. The traveler will receive payment only after the delivery is completed and confirmed by the buyer. This ensures the reliability of payment for all participants in the transaction.
  • Money Back: You can cancel the order at any time before accepting the delivery offer and paying for the order. If the item was damaged, or you received the wrong item, you are entitled to a full refund.
  • User Support: Our support service is always ready to help resolve any issues that arise throughout the ordering and delivery process. We strive to respond to all requests within 24 hours.