What can I order through Parlaxy?

Parlaxy helps you purchase goods that are unavailable in your country or are too expensive. Typically, buyers order products from platforms like Amazon, Ebay, Walmart, Macy’s, Apple, Sephora, Nike, Best Buy, and others.

The range of orders includes various products, from gadgets and children's goods to accessories and books.

If the product you want to purchase is not available in an online store, you can still get it through Parlaxy. Manually create an order and provide the necessary information about the product: name, store location, and price (this can be an estimated price, you will still determine the final price with the traveler).

Can I order several different items in one order?

Yes, you can. Describe all the items in the “Description” field when creating the order, and you can also leave a link(s) there.

What should I not order?

Remember that travelers are ordinary people ready to buy and bring you the desired product. It should fit in the traveler's luggage. Unlike postal and courier services, travelers transport orders in their own luggage. You may need to pay for additional luggage for the traveler if it is convenient for both of you.

Orders for items that are too large, heavy, or bulky might not receive delivery offers, as they are more difficult to transport. It is also not allowed to order goods that are prohibited from being imported into your country. You can read more about such items here.