Can I cancel my offer?

You can always cancel your offer before the buyer accepts it. However, once the buyer agrees to your offer, you are obligated to deliver the item.

If you encounter issues with delivering the item, you can refuse this obligation, but it may affect your community rating. It is important to inform the buyer of your decision to cancel the delivery.

This is a key aspect of our community rules that helps build trust between buyers and travelers.

What should I do if the buyer wants to cancel the order, but I have already bought it?

Once the buyer has accepted the delivery offer and paid for it, he cannot cancel the order. However, if the buyer no longer needs the item, he can contact you to request a cancellation.

If you have already purchased the item for the buyer, you are not obligated to cancel the order. Nevertheless, if you have a receipt, you can try to return the item to the online store where you bought it. This way, both you and your buyer can get a refund.

If returning the item is not possible, please contact our so we can assist you.