What are customs duties and who pays them?

Customs duties are taxes levied on imported goods. They can vary in each country. Different rules and rates often apply to different types of products. Additionally, rules and tariffs may vary depending on the country where you received the item or from which you are traveling. There are often exceptions that allow you to bring in certain goods and/or goods with a duty-free limit.

When you arrive in a country, you are generally required to declare any items you are carrying with you. It is important to be honest and careful when filling out customs forms, as violating customs regulations can result in fines and confiscation of goods.

How can I pay customs duties?

According to Parlaxy rules, travelers are responsible for all customs charges associated with the order. We recommend that buyers and travelers study current customs duties in advance so that the traveler can include the necessary amount in their reward when creating a delivery offer. Note that customs rules may differ in various countries.

Since customs regulations can be complex and sometimes unpredictable, some buyers agree through the Parlaxy chat to reimburse travelers for customs fees in person upon delivery of the item. Both the traveler and the buyer must clearly agree on this arrangement before the item is delivered. Travelers should present buyers with copies of receipts for duty payments. Note that neither buyers nor Parlaxy are responsible for travelers' violations of customs regulations.

Please note: if you accept an order for importing goods into the EU, please be aware that you may be required to pay VAT on the full value of the order. Tax authorities in the EU may contact you some time after the import to settle these obligations. Please consider this before accepting orders.