My delivery offer was accepted. What's next?

Here is a list of what you should do:

  1. Discuss the item's characteristics with the buyer: color, model, size, etc.
  2. Wait for the Buyer to pay for the order, we will notify you about this. Don't buy anything until then!
  3. Purchase the item with your own money. Try to keep the receipt, especially if the buyer indicated that the receipt is mandatory.
  4. Inform the buyer about the status of their order: when you purchased the item, how you packed it, etc.
  5. Arrange a meeting place and time with the buyer 3-5 days before your trip.
  6. During the trip, if you are carrying the item in your luggage, we recommend purchasing insurance in case of delay, loss, or damage to the luggage.
  7. Take a photo of the buyer with the item at the time of order transfer.
  8. Remind the buyer to confirm receipt of the item so we can pay you.

Note that payment of customs duties and import taxes falls on the traveler and should be included in the total cost of the offer.