How to find orders?

Start earning with Parlaxy by creating a new trip. You can specify the city you plan to visit and start viewing orders from buyers who need something brought to that city or country.

When you find an order that interests you, click on it to learn more details, such as the time when the buyer wants to receive the order and possible purchase location.

To avoid problems, make sure the price of the item via the link or in the store matches the stated price. The buyer will not be able to change the order price after accepting your delivery offer.

When creating a delivery offer, you control the desired reward. If the item requires special efforts for purchase, packaging, or transportation, we recommend increasing your reward. In your delivery offer, you can also account for any additional costs, such as delivery and transportation costs, as well as expenses related to customs procedures, because after the buyer accepts the offer, these costs can no longer be included in the total cost.

We also recommend enabling notifications to receive suitable delivery requests.