Review Policy

Ratings and reviews are a great way to share your personal experience with other buyers and travelers. The Parlaxy community is built on trust, and we'd like all your reviews to be honest, genuine, and relevant.

Reviews must comply with the Parlaxy Community Guidelines:

Reviews must adhere to the Community Guidelines to protect you and other participants. We do not tolerate any abuse or other illegal actions and reserve the right to indefinitely block an account.

Reviews must not contain personal information:

To protect the privacy and identity of Parlaxy users, reviews should not contain any personal information such as full names, phone numbers, addresses, etc.

Reviews must be honest and voluntary:

A review should reflect your own experience, but remember that community members may be constrained by circumstances. Do not ask for positive reviews, but encourage others to share their interaction experience with you.

Reviews must not contain offensive, harmful, or irrelevant information:

Reviews should not include profanity, information unrelated to your experience, religious or political views, threats or insults, as well as information about past orders or deliveries.

Reporting reviews that violate the rules:

If you see or receive a review that violates the rules, please contact our support service immediately.