What are ratings and reviews?

Parlaxy is a platform based on direct interaction, with its foundation built on reviews and ratings. This makes the entire process and user experience transparent and understandable for both sides of the transaction: the buyer and the traveler.

As a buyer, you can provide feedback about the traveler after receiving your order.

As a traveler, you can leave feedback about the buyer after marking the order as completed.

On Parlaxy, you can see your overall rating regardless of whether you are a traveler or a buyer.

The rating is divided into 4 categories:

  • Main collaboration satisfaction rating - the percentage of users satisfied with collaborating with you, out of the total number of transactions with you.
  • Adherence to agreements - the percentage of users who rated the transaction with you as adhering to agreements.
  • Communication comfort - the percentage of users who rated you as comfortable in communication.
  • Responsibility - the percentage of users who rated the transaction with you as responsible.

This rating starts to be displayed after completing 3 transactions. We also show the total number of reviews. In the user profile, you can see reviews separately as a traveler and as a buyer.

After completing an order, we notify you on the platform that you can leave feedback on this order. At the moment, leaving feedback and a review is optional. It's up to you.

How can I leave feedback?

You can leave feedback on the Parlaxy platform immediately after completing the transaction.

  1. Regarding a specific order, you can rate your buyer or traveler on a scale of 1 to 3, where 1 is the lowest rating in terms of:
  • Comfortable collaboration
  • Adherence to initial transaction agreements
  • Comfort in communication
  • User responsibility
  1. In the comment field, you can describe your interaction experience with the buyer or traveler. The more details you provide, the more helpful your review will be for other members of the Parlaxy community. This review will be visible to other users and displayed in the user profile after our moderation.
  2. In the "Service Feedback" field, you can leave detailed feedback about the service or complain about the user for Parlaxy to review the information and take appropriate action. This review won’t be seen by anyone except Parlaxy employees.

The second and third points are optional for sending feedback.

We recommend leaving reviews no later than 1-3 days after delivery, while the memories are still fresh. If your traveler cancels the delivery of the order, you will not be able to leave a review, but you can complain about the user and tell us about your communication experience with them by writing to .

Can I change my review?

We recommend making changes to the review only if you wrote something by mistake, provided the wrong rating, or something happened with the order after delivery and publication of the review. To make changes, contact our .

What should I do if I receive a bad review?

We understand that receiving a bad review can be disappointing. However, such feedback can help identify areas of concern in communication with other buyers and travelers. We urge all Parlaxy users to provide only honest and truthful reviews, without glossing over any issues. We reserve the right to change or delete reviews that violate our Review Policy. If you see or receive a review that violates the rules, be sure to contact our support service.