When will I be charged for the item?

After creating and publishing your order on Parlaxy, you will see an approximate amount after taking into account all fees. This is not the final cost, as you will receive offers from travelers. You will be able to choose the most suitable offer from one of the travelers. Once you accept an offer, you will see the final price before making the actual payment.

You will not be charged until you accept a delivery offer from a traveler. After accepting a delivery offer from a traveler, you will be redirected to the payment page. The offer will only be confirmed after payment.

Once the payment is made, the cost will be deducted from your bank account. In some cases, our payment system or your bank may block the transaction. However, don't worry, write to customer support, and we will resolve the issue with your payment.

Travelers will receive payment only after you confirm receipt of the item.

Parlaxy provides a money-back guarantee if you do not receive your item, and for this reason, we do not accept offline payments.