What is the money-back guarantee in Parlaxy?

We strive to create a global community of travelers and shoppers based on safety and trust. Therefore, we guarantee a refund of your money in the following cases:

  • You did not receive your item within the expected delivery time, and the traveler did not notify you of a possible delay.
  • You were given the wrong item, different from what you ordered.
  • The received item was damaged.

If you encounter any issues with your order after confirmation, please contact your traveler. If the traveler cannot resolve your issue, contact .

Additionally, here are a few tips to help you receive the desired item and resolve any order issues:

  • Discuss order and delivery details in the Parlaxy messenger. Messaging in the messenger helps resolve disputes between buyers and travelers. Messages sent outside of the Parlaxy messenger cannot be used in case of a breach of the user agreement.
  • Upon receiving the item, ensure it is not damaged. Inspect the item carefully with the traveler. By confirming delivery, you confirm that the item meets your expectations.
  • Ask the traveler to provide you with a purchase receipt through the Parlaxy messenger. This option is available when creating an order. This will help confirm the legality and compliance of the item with your requirements.
  • Try to order items from trusted stores. We recommend choosing verified sellers and ordering items from reliable retailers.
  • If there are issues with the item, inform the traveler through the Parlaxy messenger. Most travelers are willing to return a faulty item to the seller.
  • Remember that you can only order permitted items that do not violate the laws of your country. Heavy and bulky items may not receive delivery offers.