Yeni sipariş
Yeni seyahat
For travelers
Yardım Merkezi
For travelers
How to travel with Parlaxy?
How to connect a bank account for payment?
Identity Verification
Can I trust the buyer?
How to find orders?
My delivery offer was accepted. What's next?
Why are buyers not accepting my offers?
Can I cancel my offer?
What should I do if the buyer wants to cancel the order, but I have already bought it?
How do I contact the buyer?
Why should I buy the item myself?
What should I do if the item price changes after the buyer has accepted the delivery offer?
Where should I meet the buyer?
The item does not fit in my suitcase
What are customs duties and who pays them?
How customs control works: general rules
What to do if the customer doesn't show up?
What happens if I had to spend more on purchasing and delivering the order?
What happens if the customer does not confirm receipt of the order?
How can I view my payout history?
How do I change the payout account?
How is the payout made?